Eyelid Procedure FAQs

Eyelid Procedure FAQs

If you're having trouble with your eyelids and aren't comfortable with the way they look or feel, seeking treatment from our ophthalmologists can help. At Restoration Eye Care in Columbia, MO, we provide treatments and procedures that can alleviate any discomfort or enhance your appearance. Before scheduling your appointment, take a look at some frequently asked questions regarding eyelid procedures below:

Eyelid surgery

What Causes Eyelid Problems?

There are a variety of causes that can lead to swollen, sore, or problematic eyelids. For example, infections and allergies can commonly cause issues, as can some skin conditions. If you're finding that your eyelids hurt, swell up, and affect your vision, we recommend consulting with our ophthalmologists for treatment.

Do I Need Surgery for My Eyelids?

Whether you may or may not need surgery for your eyelids will depend on your condition. When you visit us, we can determine the root cause of your discomfort and prescribe topical creams that can be helpful. If you’ve tried any creams before and they haven’t been as effective, we may suggest surgery to help you achieve your desired results.

Can Topical Treatments Help?

In most cases, there are topical treatments that will reduce swelling and soreness. While treatments may not be everyone and don't treat every condition, they can improve the quality of life for many people who are having eyelid issues. Working with our eye doctors closely is the best way to see if they can be beneficial for your specific needs.

Do Eyelids Ever Cause Vision Problems?

Eyelid problems can sometimes affect your vision. If you have an infection, for example, it could spread to your eyes and create vision issues. Swollen eyelids can also prevent you from fully opening your eyes and put you at risk of an injury or accident. If you’re experiencing any swelling or an infection, it is important to seek treatment as soon as possible.

Contact us for an Appointment Today!

If you are looking for a chiropractor near me that offers quality treatment for eyelid problems, contact Restoration Eye Care in Columbia, MO, at (573) 441-7070 today. We will assess your condition and determine the necessary treatment that can reduce your symptoms. Our team looks forward to improving your health and wellness!


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