

Oculoplastic Surgery at Restoration Eye Care

Oculoplastic surgery is a broad term used to describe the procedures used to correct issue involving eyelids, tear ducts, the orbit, and the face. These procedures can include reconstructive surgery, rejuvenation treatments, and ocular reconstructive surgery.

Restoration Eye Care provides treatments for eyelid abnormalities, skin cancers, and tearing problems, as well as various other conditions.

What we do:

  • Droopy Eyelids: Blepharoplasty
  • Eyelid Bumps/Lumps/Chalazion/Styes/Tags/Cancers: Excision and/or
  • Excisional Biopsy
  • Poor or Incomplete Eyelid Closure: Permanent and Temporary
  • Ectropion (eyelid rolling out) and Entropion (eyelid rolling in):
    Reconstruction by Lateral Tarsal Strip Procedure
  • Tearing: Punctum Enlargement (Punctal Snip Procedure)

What we don’t do, and can refer to one of our colleagues:

  • Tearing: We do not perform certain procedures such as DCR, Endoscopic
    DCR, NLD Stenting (Crawford Tubes), and Jones Tubes
  • Ptosis: Levator Reinsertion Procedure. We do not perform cosmetic eyelid procedures.
  • Larger Cancers/Tunors: MOHS Surgery
  • Eyelid Malpositions from injury, growths or acquired with normal aging process: We do not perform tissue grafting or tissue transposition.

The following video provides a brief look at some of our more common procedures.


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