Early Signs of Glaucoma

Early Glaucoma Signs and Treatment

Glaucoma is one of several eye conditions that can lead to vision loss. Glaucoma symptoms can be difficult to spot due to the slow nature of the symptoms and your eyes’ ability to adjust to small changes in vision. Recognizing the signs of glaucoma is vital for preventing significant vision loss or blindness. Our ophthalmology team at Restoration Eye Care in Columbia, MO, is here to share some of the early signs of glaucoma and how we can help treat and manage it.

What Is Glaucoma, and What Are the Symptoms?

Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that cause vision loss or blindness by damaging your optic nerve. This nerve damage typically occurs due to high intraocular eye pressure, preventing your eye from sending the visual information your brain needs for proper vision. You can experience the following symptoms when this pressure builds:

•             Eye redness

•             Eye pain

•             Hazy or blurry vision

•             Blind spots

•             Headaches, nausea, and vomiting

•             Seeing halos or rainbow-colored circles around lights

Another common form of glaucoma is angle-closure glaucoma. This glaucoma occurs when your iris blocks your eye’s drainage angle, causing an acute attack. This acute attack can cause sudden blurry vision, severe eye pain, and nausea and vomiting. You should see your ophthalmologist immediately if you have these symptoms.

You can also have glaucoma with normal eye pressure. Many forms of glaucoma can have little to no warning signs due to your eyes adjusting to the incremental vision loss. Seeing your ophthalmologist for regular eye exams is vital for catching and treating early signs of glaucoma before they lead to significant vision loss and blindness.

Treatment for Glaucoma

Treating glaucoma depends on several factors, including the severity of your symptoms and how far your glaucoma has progressed. Our eye surgeon can use eye drops and other conservative methods to alleviate eye pressure in the early stages of glaucoma. However, our eye surgeon may do eye surgery to treat more advanced glaucoma. We can help prevent further vision loss from glaucoma and improve your quality of life with early detection and specialized care.

Visit Your Columbia, MO, Ophthalmologist for Glaucoma Treatment Today

Glaucoma can cause significant vision loss or blindness if left untreated, so contact Restoration Eye Care in Columbia, MO, to detect and treat your glaucoma early and keep your vision strong. Call us and schedule an eye exam with our ophthalmology team at (573) 441-7070.


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